
One way to a rewarding life.

Posted by David Weir

Everyone wants to see improvement in their lives. We just don't necessarily like the processes we endure to see it through. If we make moving forward our only option, we will not miss the rewards promised in Hebrews 11:6. We are asked to diligently seek Him, not perfectly seek Him. So along the "one way", let's look honestly for prodigal son epiphanies that demand we correct our attitudes and actions.

When we do have times of productive self realization it's important to grab the life lessons before they fade into the past. Mr. Bennett's famous admission that his feelings of guilt would subside sooner than they should reminds me to learn something the hard way the first time.

All things do work together for good for those who love God and are the called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28). Things working together requires time and patience and continuing in one direction, forward.

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