

Posted by David Weir

Yesterday was the easiest day because the hunger pangs subsided significantly. Even so, it is amazing how my thoughts turn to food and the possibility of tasting something, anything, even the Lucky Charms Susanna was eating yesterday afternoon (and I can't stand cereals with those little marshmallows). I think everyone feels a little discouraged or even sad at times during a fast. That's because it is humbling to fast and pray. If it were easy, everyone would fast and pray. Keep reading God's promises for us. The Bible says faith pleases Him and He rewards those who diligently seek Him. He is looking for people to seek Him seriously.

2 Chronicles 7:14 (New International Version)
14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

I don't want to say "what if" this year. What if I had diligently served God? What if I was willing to humble myself and pray? What if I had been unsatisfied with things as they are? We are going to give God our best in 2008 and receive His guidance, protection, and blessing for our families, and for our church. God bless you!


Billy Hopkins said...

Two of my sons are fasting with us. Them being young I want to make sure that they are still getting all of the nutrition that they need. We are all participating in the Daniel fast and it is encouraging to see Dawson and Easton call from McDonalds to see if there is "anything" there that they can eat Only to have them say, it's okay, we will wait until we get home so that we can be sure that we are eating what we are supposed to. They have encouraged me as we have had much more prayer time together and I see God working in their lives.