
Day Sixteen: Praying for America

Posted by David Weir

2 Chronicles 7:14 (New International Version)
14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

The fasting movement in evangelical churches in America is an encouraging beginning to what I hope is a revival of born again believers diligenty seeking God in prayer. Intercessory prayer for our nation will push back the darkness and stem the rising tide of evil in our culture. Don't forget to pray for America during this fast. Pray for our nation, pray for our President, pray for our leaders, pray for born again believers to answer the call issued in 2 Chronicles 7:14.

God bless you during these last six days. Let's stay focused and hungry for the presence of the Lord.


Billy Hopkins said...

Humility and Forgiveness! I believe that these two things could be the most important keys to unlocking peace, grace, and mercy that anyone could ever posess! Remaining humble, realizing that being right often is not worth the victory! (often that battle can be won, but the loss of the war can cost relationships that ultimately cause others to stumble) Most importantly, as this fast comes to an end I have to ask myself...."Am I changed?" Have I sacrificed food and the pleasure of eating all for nothing? If I walk away from this fast and haven't grown closer to God, then I have only walked away a few pounds lighter and have missed an excellent opportunity to tap into the power of this corporate fast! My prayer is that my focus is never on that "first" meal after ending the fast, but on that first answered prayer, that first breakthrough, that "this can only be God" moment that comes from participating in the fast. My prayer time, devotion time, praise and worship time after ending the fast will be the barometer that will tell the story of the changes that have taken place during this 21 days of fasting.