Fasting Tip for Monday: Pray. Pray. Pray. Make sure today, that the fast is about worshiping God and not just about going without food. As the spirit becomes more sensitive, we need to feed in more of the Word of God and give God time to speak to us.
Fasting for God
As we begin this fast today, let's make it clear what we are fasting for. We are fasting for God's will to be done, not our own. One of the greatest dangers to effective fasting is the temptation to become legalistic. Legalism is a subtle hindrance to worship, it creeps into our thoughts through pride and before we know it we are comparing ourselves to others. Think about these words from Paul:
2 Corinthians 10:12 (New King James Version)
12 For we dare not class ourselves or compare ourselves with those who commend themselves. But they, measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise.
Selfrighteousness and legalism will keep us from truly entering into the presence of the Lord in worship. The purpose of worship is not to draw attention to our works, but to draw attention to the works of God!
Before I ever started to talk to anyone about fasting, I worked out these issues for myself. I have fasted and given up, and I have fasted without the clear purpose of drawing near to God. I have also had to correct my thoughts that were focused more on the side benefit of weight loss, than the purpose of worshiping God. It seems funny to write these things down, but my goal is to avoid being legalistic at all costs.
Legalistic people don't know who they are in Christ, so their worship becomes a bunch of rules and regulations. Then the focus shifts to questioning what everyone else is doing, what their motives are, and how inferior their worship is. None of that is pleasing to God, and His presence is not manifest in that environment, no matter what the sacrifice may be.
As we fast and pray for God to deliver people from depression, let's rejoice in the humility of fasting. It is a humbling experience to deny the flesh, to discover our weaknesses, and put aside our own desires to hunger for God's presence. These are desperate times, and we can seek God with urgency and passion. That's what I am praying for today, an urgency and passion to see lives changed, broken hearts healed, and minds set free in Jesus name!
Heavenly Father, bless every person that is fasting today, or at any time over the next three days. Let us see how desperate You are to heal and restore lives today. We want to hunger for Your presence and sense the urgency of the times we live in. God, bless people with wisdom and clear understanding of Your will for their lives. We need You, we need Your presence, and we want to see Your will done on the earth today. In Jesus name, Amen.
God bless you. God bless our church family!
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